In yesterday’s blog, I talked about how I had to change passwords as a result of a possible pirating against Going the Distance. Well, I’m happy to report that it has all been trying to get me to renew my Amazon Prime account for another year, although my bank had been flagging their attempts as fraud.
Still, the experience has made me reflect on whether or not I did the right thing in terms of responding to the messages about fraud correctly. It’s one of those situations where you have to trust your instincts on the matter because when you get something like a fraud text, you want to treat anything that is a threat like it is…a threat.
It’s like when JC was in the desert for 40 days and Satan was trying to tempt him several times, although instead of false emails and texts, it was false promises of power.
The fact is that you can never be too careful in today’s society. Anyone can try and use a disguise to cover their true intentions, even though in the end, it is sometimes legitimate such as in this case. Is it inconvenient? Yes, but learning to trust your instincts can be a valuable lesson to learn, even if you are on the Autism Spectrum like myself.
Catch you all later!!