Since this is my last blog post while I am down here on Sanibel Island, I wanted to take a moment and share with you some upcoming presentations that I am looking to create and possibly present over the course of 2022.
These presentations will be categorized by my specialty areas of autism/neurodiversity, general/special education and employment. Sort of like my primary business triangle, you might say. Now, any topics that I covered in previous blogs will not be included in these presentations at this time. However, if you would like me to include any blog topics in future presentations, it will be by request only.
Anyways, here is what I am planning for future presentations:
A. Autism in the Scooby Doo Franchise
My first planned presentation for the autism/neurodiversity area of my business triangle is featuring the Scooby Doo cast because, you may have noticed, that each main character displays a certain trait of autism/neurodiversity that we can identify with. Now this may seem like a mystery to you and it’s supposed to be. However, in this case, the only masks that will be removed are the masking that each character wears.
B. Autism in the Nicktoons Franchise
My second planned presentation for the autism/neurodiversity branch of my business triangle is a presentation identifying which Nickelodeon characters display traits of autism. Without getting into too much detail, some of the characters I will discussing include:
Chuckie Finster from “Rugrats”
Filburt from “Rocko’s Modern Life”
Spongebob Squarepants
Now, keep in mind, that this presentation will only focus on the classic Nicktoons characters, so any modern characters from modern day Nicktoons series are out.
General/Special Education
A. An Individual Educational Plan from an Autistic/Neurodiverse Point of View (with Fellow Self-Advocate and Public Speaker Michelle Vinokurov)
My first planned presentation in the general/special education branch of my triangle is a presentation that will be unique in that it will be a co-presentation with a fellow colleague of mine, Michelle Vinokurov, who like myself, had gone through the process of an IEP during her education.
For this presentation, we will both be sharing our experiences of being on IEP’s and how today’s students can be better supported.
B. Best Colleges for Neurodiverse Students
For the second presentation in the general/special education branch of my triangle, I will be discussing what colleges are best for neurodiverse students along with what problems and solutions that neurodiverse individuals will encounter when it comes to college.
Now, as some of you know, I only attended community college for several years after I graduated from high school before leaving due to it becoming too much for my mental health. However, I will be piggybacking on my sister’s college application process as I had experienced this firsthand back when she was looking for schools.
Louis B. Mayer and Dore Schary: A Lesson on Flexibility and How Neurodiverse People Can Learn from It?
For the next presentation in the Employment branch of my triangle, I will be debuting a presentation that I am pretty sure some of you may have seen on this website before, but I think it is important to add to the arsenal of presentations as it holds a valuable lesson on flexibility…both in employment and in everyday life.
In this presentation, you will learn how two individuals from the classic days of Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Louis B. Mayer and Dore Schary, each represented flexibility and rigidity and how one man helped the studio grow while the other ended up losing his job over not being embracive of being flexible.
So, there you have it in terms of what presentations are coming soon. Be on the lookout for when these presentations will be added over the course of the year!!
Catch you all later!!